10 February 2017

The time has come

Hi, folks! The time has come to say goodbye to this blog. The content will remain for a time, but there will be no new posts added here. 

Instead, we will be focusing on the Library’s blog over at cedir.blogspot.com. There you will find information about our library materials in addition to news and events of interest to the disability community. We will begin incorporating information related to the autism spectrum there next week.

Come join us!

If you would like even more information about autism spectrum disorders, please visit the Indiana Resource Center for Autism’s site at www.iidc.indiana.edu/irca

08 February 2017

Interventions for disruptive behaviors: Reducing problems and building skills

Interventions for disruptive behaviors: Reducing problems and building skills is a 164-page guide written by a professor of counseling, school, and educational psychology. It offers educators tools for supporting students' positive behavior in school and in social situations. Interventions at the whole-class, targeted, and individual levels are covered as well as parent training programs and strategies for building adaptive skills.

Want to check it out? Email us at cedir@indiana.edu or use worldcat.org to find it in a library near you.

07 February 2017

Stay cool and in control with the keep-calm guru

Stay cool and in control with the keep-calm guru is a 136-page guide for kids ages 7 to 14 years old. This winner of the Mom's Choice Award-Gold Seal offers strategies to guide children in the art of staying cool and in control in the face of overwhelming feelings. It will teach children to recognize and cope with anxiety, anger, frustration, and other difficult emotion using everything from yoga poses and pressure holds, to deep breathing and relaxing coloring activities.

Want to check it out? Email us at cedir@indiana.edu or use worldcat.org to find it in a library near you.